Our Voice Counts
Together we empower Asian and Pacific Islander American communities across Michigan.
Join us in empowering Michigan’s Asian American community and make our state a better place to live for everyone.
Asian Americans are a diverse community with people from dozens of countries and cultures. APIA-Vote MI is a nonprofit, nonpartisan group that educates, strengthens, and mobilizes the Asian and Pacific Islander American community in Michigan.
At APIA Vote MI, we believe that people power and community connectedness are what make democracy run. We want everyone to have a stronger voice in our democracy, as voters and as leaders.
Our Efforts
Through candidate forums and voter registration efforts like phone banking, tabling, and canvassing, APIAVote-Michigan strives to increase civic participation and make sure our communities have equal access and opportunity to their vote.
By partnering with local grocers, supermarkets and restaurants and receiving support from funders, we’ve been able to empower our communities with free, accessible and culturally-appropriate food.
Watch this video from our partner, APIAVote, to learn more.