The LEAD Fellowship is a transformative 9-week program designed to cultivate leadership, empower youth, enhance advocacy skills, and help participants realize their aspirations. This program aims to prepare young individuals to take on leadership roles in their communities and beyond by providing them with the necessary tools and experiences to succeed.

Do you want to strengthen your advocacy skills, develop leadership skills, and help your community grow? Apply to join the fellowship by June 17, 2024 to be considered. See details below:

When: Twice a week, 1 virtual + 1 in-person
What: Discuss racial equity, community advocacy, soft skills, and attend field trips
Benefits: Certification, letter of recommendation, financial stipend

Age: 15-20
Available: June 23 - August 9
Priority: AAPI & BIPOC in Michigan [All are welcome to apply!]

Apply now and make a difference!

Questions? Email us at fellow@apiavotemi.org

To register for the 2024 Youth Fellowship Program, LEAD, please fill out the application linked below: